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王英, 汪志艳
上海师范大学 建筑工程学院上海 201418
关键词:  钢筋锈蚀  预测模型  影响因素
Research overview on prediction model of steel corrosion in concrete
WANG Ying, WANG Zhiyan
School of Civil Engineering, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 201418, China
With the development of civil engineering in recently years, a large number of livelihood projects have been constructed and put into operation. Meanwhile, more and more concrete structures in service entered the stage of performance degradation. In order to evaluate the working conditions of structure in service entirely, some critical problems such as influence factors of steel corrosion in concrete, prediction of steel corrosion condition were requested to be further studied. A comprehensive combing of research progress on existing prediction models of steel corrosion in concrete was made in this paper, and the influence factors of steel corrosion, as well as the characteristics and application conditions of each prediction model were analyzed and summarized. According to issues in current research, the trends and prospects were presented finally, for clarifying the direction for future research work.
Key words:  steel corrosion  prediction model  influence factor