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刘晓妍1, 宗士鹏1, 曹伟召2, 赵国超1, 李建粤1
1.上海师范大学 生命科学学院, 上海 200234;2.上海上实现代农业开发有限公司, 上海 202183
为了培育适合上海地区种植的香软优质国庆稻,本研究以“松早香1号”和“上师早早香”为亲本进行杂交(F1)并连续自交(至F4),结合软米基因分子标记辅助筛选和田间农艺性状选择,成功培育出优质香软国庆稻“香软早粳”新品系.与“松早香1号”相比,“香软早粳”成熟期提前了15 d,每亩(约666.67 m2)产量可增加84.9 kg,不仅提早了国庆稻的上市时间,同时提高了种植国庆稻的经济效益.稻米品质检测结果显示,“香软早粳”稻米直链淀粉含量(质量分数)为9.7%,胶稠度达80 mm.“香软早粳”含有香味基因,属于优质香软米.“香软早粳”新品系的成功选育为上海地区推广特早熟香型软米水稻奠定了基础.
关键词:  国庆稻  香米  软米  分子标记辅助选择
Development of “Xiangruan Zaogeng” National Day rice by molecular marker assisted selection
LIU Xiaoyan1, ZONG Shipeng1, CAO Weizhao2, ZHAO Guochao1, LI Jianyue1
1.College of Life Sciences, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China;2.Shanghai Shangshi Modern Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., Shanghai 202183, China
In order to obtain high-quality fragrant and soft National Day rice suitable for cultivation in Shanghai, “Songzaoxiang No.1” and “Shangshi Zaozaoxiang” crossed to produce F1, which was self-crossed till F4, accompanied simultaneously by soft rice gene molecular marker assisted screening and field agronomic trait selection, producing ultimately, a new soft rice line with high-quality fragrant, named as “Xiangruan Zaogeng”. Compared with “Songzaoxiang No.1”, the maturation of “Xiangruan Zaogeng” was 15 d ays early, its yield was also increased by 84.9 kg/mu (~ 666.67 m2), entering the market earlier and getting better economic benefits. The quality testing results showed that the amylose content of "Zaogeng" was 9.7%, gel consistency was 80 mm, and have aroma genes, belonging to high-quality fragrant soft rice. The successful breeding of the “Xiangruan Zaogeng” lays the foundation for the promotion of early maturing fragrant and soft rice in Shanghai.
Key words:  National Day rice  fragrant rice  soft rice  molecular marker assisted selection