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董翰林, 朱兴来, 陶婧妍, 方明霁
上海师范大学 建筑工程学院, 上海 201418
钢框架-木剪力墙结构是一种适用于多高层的绿色低碳结构体系. 木剪力墙可分为轻木剪力墙和重木剪力墙两种类型,掌握不同剪力墙类型对结构地震响应的影响规律可为结构设计提供依据. 本文使用专为木结构开发的新型单轴滞回模型DowelType,模拟轻木、重木剪力墙混合结构,建立4层有、无墙顶摩擦型阻尼器的混合结构模型,进行频遇地震和罕遇地震下的非线性时程分析,得到层间位移角、结构内力水平、阻尼器耗能等响应的分布,总结了剪力墙类型对上述响应的影响规律.
关键词:  木剪力墙  DowelType模型  摩擦型阻尼器  钢木混合结构  抗震性能
Effect of shear wall type on seismic performance of steel-wood hybrid structure
DONG Hanlin, ZHU Xinglai, TAO Jingyan, FANG Mingji
School of Civil Engineering, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 201418, China
Hybrid steel frame and timber shear wall structure was a green and low-carbon structural system suitable for multi-story buildings. Timber shear walls could be divided in two types: light wood-framed shear wall and mass timber shear wall. A basis could be provided for structural design by comprehending the influence of different shear wall types on the seismic response of structures. In this paper, a novel uniaxial hysteretic model developed for timber structures was used to simulate hybrid structures with two types of wood shear walls. Four-story building structure models with and without friction damper on the top of the walls were established. Nonlinear time-history analyses under frequent and rare earthquakes were conducted. As a result, the distribution of responses, including the inter-story drift, the force level of structural components, and the dissipated energy, were obtained. Lastly, the influence of shear wall types on these responses was revealed and generalized.
Key words:  timber shear wall  DowelType model  friction damper  steel-wood hybrid structure  seismic performance