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黄新花, 王琳惠, 文颖, 杨海峰
上海师范大学 化学与材料科学学院, 上海 200234
采用静电纺丝技术结合化学原位还原沉积方法构建钯纳米粒子(Pd NPs)修饰的聚苯胺(PANI)空心管复合材料(Pd/PANI/GCE).首先通过静电纺丝法制备聚苯乙烯(PS)纤维膜基底,然后在纤维膜基底上修饰苯胺单体,并进行原位聚合,获得磺化聚苯乙烯@聚苯胺(SPS@PANI)复合纤维膜.采用四氢呋喃(THF)溶解去除磺化聚苯乙烯(SPS)内芯后获得高导电性、高比表面积的PANI空心管材料,再通过化学原位还原法在PANI空心管表面均匀沉积Pd NPs,并由此构建了无酶葡萄糖传感器.实验结果表明:该传感器对葡萄糖检测的线性范围包括0.1~44.0μmol·L-1和44.0~3 423.0 μmol·L-1两段线性,最低检测限为0.06 μmol·L-1.该传感器能够直接应用于实际唾液样品中对于葡萄糖的检测.
关键词:  静电纺丝  聚苯乙烯(PS)  聚苯胺(PANI)  钯纳米粒子(Pd NPs)  电化学传感器  葡萄糖
Study on electrochemical glucose sensor based on Pd nanoparticles/polyaniline
HUANG Xinhua, WANG Linhui, WEN Ying, YANG Haifeng
College of Chemistry and Materials Science, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China
In this work, palladium nanoparticles(Pd NPs) modified polyaniline(PANI) tubes(Pd/PANI/GCE) were prepared by using the in-situ chemical deposition and the electrospinning technology for glucose detection. The PANI was firstly modified on the surface of sulfonated polystyrene fiber membrane through the charge interaction between the positively charged aniline monomers and the sulfonatedunits, and the following polymerization. The polystyrene was extracted from the polystyrene@polyaniline composite fiber (SPS@PANI) by using the tetrahydrofuran (THF) to thus form the PANI hollow tube, which was then deposited with palladium nanoparticles (Pd NPs) to form the catalytic composite membrane for the sensor fabrication. The linear range of the sensor for glucose detection includes 0.1-44.0 μmol·L-1 and 44.0-3 423.0 μmol·L-1, and the detection limit of 0.06 μmol·L-1. The sensor has been applied to determine the concentration of glucose in saliva samples.
Key words:  electrospinning  polystyrene(PS)  polyaniline(PANI)  palladium nanoparticles(Pd NPs)  electrochemical sensors  glucose