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蔡壮, 林文鹏
上海师范大学 环境与地理科学学院, 上海 200234
关键词:  宿迁市  建设用地  扩展  空间差异
Spatial analysis of construction land expansion in Suqian during 2007-2017
CAI Zhuang, LIN Wenpeng
School of Environmental and Geographical Sciences, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China
By using Geographic Information System(GIS)spatial analysis tools,the spatial characteristics of construction land expansion within Suqian during 2007-2017 were studied by employing the remote sensing(RS) data of Suqian in 2007,2012 and 2017.The results showed that the construction land in Suqian had entered a stage of rapid growth since 2007.Besides,the spatial expansion intensity of construction land in Sucheng District,Siyang County and Shuyang County had a dominant position.Meanwhile,the spatial difference of expansion intensity of construction land within Suqian was obvious.The strong expansion type and stable type were in the east and west of Suqian respectively between 2007 and 2012.However,the distribution of all kinds of expansion types was decentralized.The severe expansion type mainly distributed in the north,the strong expansion type in the middle,the weak expansion type in the west,and the stable type in the south of Suqian.
Key words:  Suqian  construction land  expansion  spatial difference