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王洪慧, 何结红, 乔洁琼, 谢作甜, 朱建
关键词:  介孔SiO2  TiO2  F修饰  亲疏水性  光催化
The effect of fluorine modification on hydrophilic-hydrophobic properties and photocatalytic performance of SiO2@TiO2 hybrids
WANG Honghui, HE Jiehong, QIAO Jieqiong, XIE Zuotian, ZHU Jian
Key Laboratory of Resource Chemistry,Ministry of Education,College of Life and Environmental Sciences,Shanghai Normal University
Hydrophobic fluorine modified SiO2@TiO2 hybrids were prepared by a post-grafting method followed by a solvothermal method.F-SiO2 precursor was firstly prepared via a simple post-grafting process using triethoxyfluorosilane as a fluorine-containing silylation agent.Then,nano-sized TiO2 particles were formed on the surface of F-SiO2 to form F-SiO2@TiO2 by a solvothermal process.Different characterizations were performed to show the detailed structure of F-SiO2@TiO2 hybrids such as TEM,XRD,XPS and N2 adsorption-desorption etc.The results show that F-SiO2@TiO2 hybrids with core-shell structure own large surface area,well-ordered mesoporous structure as well as high thermostability.On the other hand,the well dispersed TiO2 particles with small and similar size display high crystallinity and strong interaction with F-SiO2.Both the adsorption and the photocatalytic experiments toward degradation of organic compounds show that increasing the content of TEFS reagent could suppress the adsorption of H2O on the surface of F-SiO2@TiO2 hybrid.As a result,the F-SiO2@TiO2 samples display higher hydrophobic properties and higher photocatalytic activities than SiO2@TiO2 sample.
Key words:  mesoporous SiO2  TiO2  F modification  hydrophobic property  photocatalysis