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吴东东, 朱苏磊
GPS即全球定位系统(Global Positioning System)在船舶、车辆、飞机等运动物体进行定位导航,车辆监控管理系统等都有重要的应用,但是随着其专业功能的扩展,高昂的成本让许多普通消费者难以承受.提出了一种基于单片机的简易GPS定位系统设计,完善了系统基本的实用功能,并且添加了速度与里程测量的设计,而GPS模块采用了差分技术使其定位精度得到改善.因此该定位导航设备体积小巧、携带方便并且定位精度较高.通过得到观测点的三维坐标数据以及位置精度因子,其平均值小于5,说明了通过差分技术后的定位精度得到改善并且达到预期范围.最后,通过实物在室外的测试得到实时数据,验证了此设计的可行性.
关键词:  GPS模块  单片机  串行通信
Design about position and display of GPS based on singlechip
WU Dongdong, ZHU Sulei
College of Information,Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Shanghai Normal University
GPS is used in ships,vehicles,aircraft and other moving objects.GPS also has the important application in vehicle monitoring system.However,with the expansion of the specialized functions of GPS,its high cost makes so many ordinary consumers unbearable.This paper proposes a simple design of GPS based on singlechip.The design Improves the basic utility functions of system and adds the speed and mileage measurement.GPS module uses the differential technology to improve the positioning accuracy.Therefore,the navigation device is compact,easy to carry and of high precision positioning.Through getting the data of 3D coordinates from the observation point and the factor of position accuracy,the average of which is less than five,indicating that the position accuracy can be improved by differential technology to achieve the desired range.At last,the feasibility of this design is verified through the current data tested in the outdoors.
Key words:  GPS module  singlechip  serial communications