Interdisciplinary Curriculum Design Centered Around Fine Arts
中文关键词:  跨学科;美育;综合课程;核心素养
英文关键词:interdisciplinary,art education,comprehensive curriculum,core competencies
翟勇 上海师范大学 
杨逸 广西师范大学 
摘要点击次数: 45
全文下载次数: 47
      Initiating interdisciplinary comprehensive curriculum design centered around fine arts not only highlights the value of subject-specific education but also fills the gap in current practices of integrating art education into other subjects. Inter? disciplinary curriculum design with fine arts at its core includes three aspects: selecting interdisciplinary subjects, defining the? matic concepts; designing thematic unit instruction to guide learning in practice; establishing evaluation criteria based on cre? ative practices. This paper selects Chinese, fine arts and nature to study the interdisciplinary curriculum design. In order to con? struct the paradigm of interdisciplinary comprehensive curriculum design centered around fine arts. Using “My Family” as a the? matic exploration, this case serves as a reference for the development of fine arts practices within the perspective of subject inte? gration.
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