我国乡村学校课后服务政策执行的现实困境与纾解路径——基于河南省中小学教师访谈的质性分析 |
The Realistic Dilemma and Solutions of Policy Implementation of After-School Service in Rural Schools in China— A Qualitative Analysis Based on Interviews with Primary and Secondary School Teachers in Henan |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 课后服务;中小学教师;政策执行 |
英文关键词:after-school services, primary and secondary school teachers, policy implementation |
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摘要点击次数: 48 |
全文下载次数: 43 |
中文摘要: |
教师对课后服务政策的个性化理解和能动性实践是保障政策执行成效的关键。通过对河南省 10 位乡村中小学教师的质性研究发现,课后服务面临着政策文本标准宏观、责任主体相互推诿、学生角色外溢固化以及多重制度规则失范的困境。为纾解课后服务政策的执行困境,应具化政策文本,赋予教师一定的政策话语权;明晰责任边界,构建多元主体协同服务共同体;划清角色边界,增强学生的角色认同感;制定精细化制度,营造自由有度的服务环境。 |
英文摘要: |
Teachers’ individual understanding and proactive practice of after-school service policies are key to ensuring ef?
fective policy implementation. Through a qualitative study of the teachers from 10 rural primary and secondary schools in Henan
Province, this research has found that they tend to face such dilemmas as vague policy standards, shifting responsibilities, fixed
student role spillover, and multiple institutional rule violations. To tackle these dilemmas, policies should be concretized, teach?
ers should be given a voice in policy discourse, responsibility boundaries should be clarified to construct a collaborative service
community with multiple stakeholders; role boundaries should be delineated to enhance students’ sense of role identity; and de?
tailed systems should be formulated to create a free yet orderly service environment. |
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