Teaching Strategies for Classical Chinese Teaching in Middle Schools Based on Historical and Cultural Context
中文关键词:  历史文化语境;文化含义;文化意蕴;思想文化
英文关键词:historical and cultural context,cultural implications,cultural connotation,ideological culture
基金项目:国家社科基金教育学一般课题“新中国 70 年中学语文课程传承革命文化研究”(项目编号:BHA190147);南通大学人文社 科博士科研启动基金项目“中学语文古诗文选文嬗变研究:75 年回顾与启示”(项目编号:135424601012)。
李腾飞 南通大学 
冯淑君 上海市实验学校附属东滩学校 
摘要点击次数: 35
全文下载次数: 37
      历史文化语境是指能够帮助理解文言文深层意义的外部思想文化、价值观念等概 念的集合。借助历史文化语境,学生能够更好地把握文言文带有文化意味的表达形式,进而理 解其深层文化意义。基于历史文化语境的中学文言文教学策略主要有:准确把握某些文言字 词的特定文化含义,深度理解文言文表达方式的文化意蕴,深刻领会历史语境中的思想文化。
      The historical and cultural context refers to a collection of external ideological and cultural concepts and values that can help understand the deep meanings of classical Chinese texts. By using this context, students can better grasp the cultur? ally significant expressions in classical Chinese literature and thus comprehend its deeper cultural meanings. The strategies for teaching classical Chinese in middle school based on historical and cultural context mainly include accurately understanding the specific cultural meanings of certain classical Chinese words, deeply comprehending the cultural connotations of classical Chi? nese expressions, and profoundly grasping the ideological and cultural aspects within the historical context.
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