An Objective Measurement-Based Insight into the Intensity Characteristics of Primary School Campus Physical Activities in Shanghai
中文关键词:  校园体育活动;中高强度身体活动;推荐量特征;体质健康促进效益
英文关键词:school-based physical activities,moderate to vigorous physical activity, recommendation characteristic,physi⁃ cal fitness promotion
何进胜 上海师范大学 
胡小清 福建师范大学 
摘要点击次数: 63
全文下载次数: 60
      文章采用国际通用的身体活动测量工具对上海市 6 个区 18 所小学的 500 名学生 进行为期一周的校园体育活动测量,并使用国际推荐量对各类校园体育活动的 MVPA 推荐量 特征进行分析。研究结果显示:上海市小学不同类型校园体育活动的 MVPA 均未达到国际推 荐量要求,体质健康促进效益明显不足,学校体育亟需提质升级。建议政府制定适用我国中小 学的校园体育活动 MVPA 推荐量,学校构建“教会、勤练、常赛”的校园体育活动新模式,教师设 计符合男女生兴趣的校园体育活动新内容和新形式。
      This study uses internationally recognized physical activity measurement tools to measure campus physical activi? ties of 500 students from 18 primary schools in six districts of Shanghai over a week. The characteristics of various campus physi? cal activities’MVPA (moderate to vigorous physical activity) were analyzed using international recommendations. The findings show that MVPA of different types of campus physical activities in primary schools in Shanghai did not meet international recom? mended levels, indicating insufficient health promotion benefits. There is an urgent need to improve the quality of physical educa? tion at school. It is suggested that the government should establish the MVPA recommendations suitable for primary and second? ary schools in China, schools should build a new model of campus physical activities emphasizing “teaching, frequent practice and regular competition”, and teachers should design new contents and forms of campus physical activities that cater to the inter? ests of both boys and girls.
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