Exploring the Cultivation Path of Public Participation Literacy for SeniorHigh School Students under the New Curriculum Standard
中文关键词:  新课标;高中生;公共参与素养
英文关键词:the new curriculum standard,senior high school students,public participation literacy
基金项目:本文系国家社科基金项目“网络空间道德治理的理论逻辑及其实现机制研究”(项目批准号:20BKS192)的阶段性研究 成果。
王志国 盐城师范学院 
摘要点击次数: 112
全文下载次数: 706
      新课标指出,我国公民的公共参与就是有序参与公共事务,勇于承担社会责任,积 极行使人民当家作主的政治权利。公共参与素养是高中政治学科要培养的学生核心素养之 一,培育公共参与素养,有助于学生形成规则意识,增强社会责任感和使命感,促进身心健康发 展。当前公共参与素养培育存在教师引导不力、学生意识淡薄、家校重视程度不够等问题。为 此,要有效发挥教师主导作用,创新教育教学模式;改革评价方式,激发主体参与动力;推动家 校协同共治,创设良好参与环境。
      The new curriculum standard points out that the public participation of Chinese citizens is the orderly participa? tion in public affairs,the courage to assume social responsibility,and the active exercising of the political rights of the people to be the masters of their own affairs. Public participation literacy is one of the core competencies of students that high school poli? tics needs to cultivate,which can help students form a sense of rules,enhance their social responsibility and mission,and im? prove their physical and mental health. At present,there are such problems in the cultivation of students’public participation lit? eracy as inadequate teacher guidance,weak student awareness,and insufficient attention from home and school. To address these problems,it is necessary to give full play to teachers’guidance and innovate educational and teaching models,to reform the evaluation modes and enhance the motivation of subject participation,and to promote collaborative governance between fami? lies and schools and create a good participation environment.
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