Drama in Education Promotes the Significance and Path of the Integration of Morality and Wisdom in Primary School Chinese Teaching
中文关键词:  教育戏剧;小学语文;德智融合;路径
英文关键词:drama in education, primary school Chinese, integration of morality and wisdom, path
陆素英 上海市世外小学 
摘要点击次数: 147
全文下载次数: 584
      The concepts, characteristics and methods of D.I.E.(stands for Drama In Education) are intrinsically consistent with the Chinese curriculum, which can provide some reference for solving the problem of the integration of morality and wisdom in primary school Chinese teaching. Therefore, the introduction of the concept and method of DIE in Chinese teaching may achieve the goal of educating people in Chinese disciplines better. Through the context-buliding action, narrative action, poetic action, reflective action, students can be instructed to use imagination, understand character images, grasp humanistic themes, deepen text understanding, and constantly stimulate moral emotions, obtain moral experience, realize moral internalization, and move towards moral growth.
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