Research and Suggestion of Bilingual Children’s Chinese Learning Transition from Kindergarten to Primary School
中文关键词:  双语儿童;汉语学习;幼小衔接
英文关键词:bilingual children, Chinese learning, transition from kindergarten to primary school
张冬梅 伊犁师范学院 
路海东 东北师范大学 
刘桐 伊宁市实验幼儿园 
摘要点击次数: 627
全文下载次数: 1311
      Bilingual education for children’s language is very important for the study and adaptation of bilingual children’s primary school. The study selected 39 bilingual children, surveyed their Chinese level before entering school, and tracked their Chinese performance in the middle term and final term examination of the first grade in primary school, found that: (1) the higher the Chinese level before entering school of the bilingual children, the better the Chinese performance in the middle term and final term examination will be; (2) the bilingual children whose Chinese language level is lower, will be progress faster in Chinese learning. We should consider constructing from the family, school, community language and cultural environment, to promote the bilingual children’s language transition from kindergarten to first-grade school and the sustainable development of school age.
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