On the Necessity and Significance of Reception Learning
中文关键词:  接受学习;混沌的教与学;提升学习力;奠基建构;探究的基础
英文关键词:reception learning, learning ability, basics to construction, in-depth learning, reconstruction and reconciliation
殷世东 西南大学 
摘要点击次数: 752
全文下载次数: 994
      Learning style is one of the basic variables that affect learning efficiency. Reception learning is an important way of learning, and it is a significant and active cognitive construction with learner’s identification. Recently, however, there has been a lot criticism on Reception learning by putting it opposite to inquiry learning and discovery learning. In face of almost a total deny of its value and necessity, it is worthwhile to shed some light on the nature and importance of reception learning. There is a need to know that reception learning is a must for further study and thorough inquiry; otherwise, it risks inefficient learning. The paper aims to promote in-depth learning efficiency by giving an emphasis on the cooperative relationship among reception learning, discovery learning, and inquiry learning.
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