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赵安雯, 吕青泽, 陈佳瀛
上海师范大学 生命科学学院, 上海 200234
关键词:  慢行系统  美景度评价(SBE)法  滨水空间  黄浦江两岸  春季
Evaluation and study on the spring scenic beauty of riverside slow-moving system on both sides of Huangpu River in Shanghai
ZHAO Anwen, LYU Qingze, CHEN Jiaying
College of Life Sciences, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China
In this study, we conducted a field survey on the waterfront spaces on both sides of the Huangpu River in Shanghai by using the scenic beauty estimation (SBE) and semantic differential (SD) methods and selected 46 sample points to analyse the spring scenic beauty of its riverside slow-moving system. Based on the comprehensive evaluation value of scenic beauty, the landscape characteristic factors of the slow-moving system on both sides of the Huangpu River were screened out. The comprehensive evaluation data analysis of the landscape showed that the spring scenic beauty of the slow-moving system on both sides of Huangpu River is directly proportional to plant diversity and the beauty of landscape artistic conception. Based on the research situation, we proposed an optimization strategy to increase plant diversity, enrich landscape colors, and strengthen plant resource protection. The research results of this paper provided certain development ideas for the landscape construction of slow-moving systems on both sides of the Huangpu River in Shanghai, and also have certain reference significance for the construction of the similar waterfront slow-moving systems.
Key words:  slow-moving system  scenic beauty estimation (SBE) method  riverfront space  both sides of Huangpu River  spring