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倪琴1, 刘双2, 余杨泽2, 林欣3, 邓赐平4
1.上海外国语大学 国际教育学院, 上海 201620;2.上海师范大学 信息与机电工程学院, 上海 201418;3.华东师范大学 计算机科学与技术学院, 上海 200062;4.华东师范大学 心理与认知科学学院, 上海 200062
关键词:  认知推理  注意力机制  记忆网络  视频问答
A cognitive model of video QA based on multi-angle fusion and joint memory network
NI Qin1, LIU Shuang2, YU Yangze2, LIN Xin3, DENG Ciping4
1.School of Education, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 201620, China;2.College of Information, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 201418, China;3.School of Computer Science and Technology, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China;4.The School of Psychology and Cognitive Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China
In order to solve the problem of insufficient cognition and reasoning ability in existing video question answering models, an observer memory module was introduced, and a machine cognition model based on multi-angle fusion and joint memory network was proposed. The target object was located based on the problem and the corresponding regional features in the video were obtained by this model. At the same time, the motion and appearance features of the video were combined. By adding a gated loop unit with time attention mechanism, the problem features and video features were integrated more effectively for answer generation, which improved the model’s cognitive reasoning ability. The experimental results showed that compared to existing video QA models, this model had higher accuracy, which demonstrated better reasoning ability and generalization ability especially for belief reasoning problems with greater difficulty in cognitive reasoning task.
Key words:  cognitive reasoning  attention mechanism  memory network  video QA