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尹大川, 刘嘉润, 何怡静, 乔宇, 梁杰
上海师范大学 化学与材料科学学院, 上海 200234
制备了铁酸钴-氧化铝(CoFe2O4-Al2O3)复合材料,并采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)、比表面积和孔径分析仪对多孔CoFe2O4-Al2O3复合材料的物相和形貌进行了分析. 利用制备的CoFe2O4-Al2O3复合材料活化过硫酸氢钾(PMS)来降解废水溶液中的日落黄(SY),通过研究CoFe2O4-Al2O3材料制备过程中Co2+,Fe3+和Al3+的物质的量之比、煅烧温度和时长对材料催化性能的影响,发现Co2+,Fe3+和Al3+的最佳物质的量之比为1:2:12,最佳煅烧温度为400 ℃和最佳煅烧时长为3 h. 对采用在最优条件下制得的CoFe2O4-Al2O3复合材料作为催化剂,PMS氧化降解含日落黄废水进行研究,考察了pH值、温度、不同体系、PMS用量、CoFe2O4-Al2O3材料用量和一些阴离子对日落黄降解的影响. 结果表明:在pH=7,温度为55 ℃条件下,用0.1 g催化剂和0.125 g PMS能使100 mL质量浓度为0.6 g·L-1的日落黄溶液在30 min内降解率达到99.5%. 同时,碳酸氢根负离子(HCO3-)和硝酸根负离子(NO3-)的加入抑制了日落黄的降解,而Cl-则能促进日落黄的降解. 此外,在进行4次循环使用后,CoFe2O4-Al2O3仍表现出很好的催化性能,日落黄去除效果仍能达到90%以上.
关键词:  铁酸钴-氧化铝(CoFe2O4-Al2O3)复合材料  过硫酸氢钾(PMS)  日落黄(SY)  降解
分类号:TQ 426;X 703
Preparation of CoFe2O4-Al2O3 composite material and its application in the treatment of wastewater containing sunset yellow
YIN Dachuan, LIU Jiarun, HE Yijing, QIAO Yu, LIANG Jie
College of Chemistry and Materials Science, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China
In this study, cobalt ferrite-alumina(CoFe2O4-Al2O3) composite was successfully prepared. The phase and morphology of the porous CoFe2O4-Al2O3 composite were characterized by using scanning electron microspcope(SEM), X-ray diffraction(XRD), specific surface area and pore size analyzer. Then, the as-prepared CoFe2O4-Al2O3 composite was used to activate potassium monopersulfate(PMS) to degrade the sunset yellow(SY) in wastewater solution. The effects of the molar ratios of Co2+, Fe3+, and Al3+, calcination temperature, and time on the catalytic performance of the material during the preparation process of CoFe2O4-Al2O3 were studied. It was found that the optimal molar ratio of Co2+, Fe3+, and Al3+ was 1:2:12, the optimal calcination temperature was 400 ℃, and the optimal calcination time was 3 h. The CoFe2O4-Al2O3 composite obtained under the optimal conditions was used as a catalyst to study the oxidative degradation of sunset yellow wastewater by PMS. The effects of pH value, temperature, different systems, PMS dosage, CoFe2O4-Al2O3 dosage, and some anions on the degradation of sunset yellow were investigated. The results showed that under the conditions of pH=7 and 55 ℃, the degradation ratio of 100 mL of sunset yellow solution with a mass concentration of 0.6 g·L-1 could reach 99.5% within 30 min using 0.1 g catalyst and 0.125 g PMS. Meanwhile, the addition of bicarbonate anion(HCO3-) and nitrate anion(NO3-) inhibited the degradation of sunset yellow, while Cl- promoted its degradation. In addition, after four cycles of use, CoFe2O4-Al2O3 still exhibits good catalytic performance, and the removal effect of sunset yellow can still reach over 90%.
Key words:  cobalt ferrite-alumina(CoFe2O4-Al2O3) composite  potassium monopersulfate(PMS)  sunset yellow(SY)  degradation