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李尧, 王博勋, 陈敏然, 曹铎, 张毅, 刘锋, 石旺舟
上海师范大学 数理学院, 上海 200234
低温接收机是亚毫米天文望远镜的探测终端,用于接收宇宙中极微弱的亚毫米波信号,推动早期宇宙、遥远星系,及星系形成和演化等方面的研究.亚毫米波谱线接收机的核心探测器件采用超导混频器,GM二级制冷机为其提供4 K低温工作环境.为了保证望远镜工作时的指向精度,探测器平台允许的最大形变量需低于300 μm.接收机的主体为低温杜瓦,其一级和二级支撑结构分别选用了高强度的GFRP(glass fiber reinforced plastics)和CFRP(carbon fiber reinforced plastics)材料.分析结果表明,在望远镜俯仰角0°~90°范围内,探测器平台的最大位移量均低于100 μm,满足实际应用需求.
关键词:  亚毫米天文  接收机  低温杜瓦  力学特性
分类号:P 111
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(U1931205, 12373099, 12073018, 12141303);上海市启明星计划(21QA1406800)
Design and mechanical characteristics analysis of low temperature dewar for submillimeter wave receiver
LI Yao, WANG Boxun, CHEN Minran, CAO Duo, ZHANG Yi, LIU Feng, SHI Wangzhou
Mathematics and Science College, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China
The low-temperature receiver is the detection terminal of the submillimeter telescope, which aims to receive the extremely weak submillimeter signals from the universe, and to promote research on the early universe, distant galaxies, and galaxy formation and evolution. The submillimeter spectral line receiver usually uses a superconducting mixer as the key detecting element, for which the GM two-stage cryostat provides a working environment at 4 K. To ensure the pointing accuracy of the telescope during operation, the maximum allowable deformation of the detector platform must be less than 300 μm. The main body of the receiver is a low-temperature dewar, and its primary and secondary support structures are made of high-strength GFRP(glass fiber reinforced plastics) and CFRP(carbon fiber reinforced plastics) respectively. The results indicate that the maximum deformation of the detector platform is less than 100 μm when the telescope elevation angle varies from 0° to 90°, which meets practical application requirements.
Key words:  submillimeter astronomy  receiver  low-temperature dewar  mechanical properties