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邓松, 邱静, 陈军华
上海师范大学 信息与机电工程学院, 上海 200234
关键词:  推荐算法  物质扩散算法  冷启动问题  可扩展性问题  推荐多样性
An improved recommended algorithm for network structure based on two partial graphs
Deng Song, Qiu Jing, Chen Junhua
The College of Information, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China
In this thesis,we introduce an improved algorithm based on network structure.Based on the standard material diffusion algorithm,considering the influence of the user's score on the recommendation,the adjustment factor of the initial resource allocation vector and the resource transfer matrix in the recommendation algorithm is improved.Using the practical data set from GroupLens webite to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm,we performed a series of experiments.The experimental results reveal that it can yield better recommendation accuracy and has higher hitting rate than collaborative filtering,network-based inference.It can solve the problem of cold start and scalability in the standard material diffusion algorithm.And it also can make the recommendation results diversified.
Key words:  recommendation algorithm  standard material diffusion algorithm  the problem of cold start  the problem of capability  recommended diversity