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刘盼, 丁玲玲, 彭姚珊, 祝宁宁
上海师范大学 生命与环境科学学院, 上海 200234
用树状分子及炭黑纳米复合材料修饰玻碳电极,并对六价铬Cr(VI)进行电化学测定.采用X射线光电子能谱(XPS)、循环伏安法(CV)、交流阻抗法(EIS)、方波溶出伏安法(SWSV)等方法对修饰电极进行了表征.研究发现多种其他离子如Ni2+、Co2+、Pb2+、Cu2+、Cd2+、NO3-、SO42-、Cl-等对六价铬离子的测定没有明显干扰,且Cr(VI)的还原峰电流与Cr(VI)的物质的量浓度在4~60 nmol/L和0.06~500 μmol/L范围内呈线性关系,检测限达1 nmol/L.该法具有简便快速,选择性好,线性范围宽,灵敏度高等优点.
关键词:  六价铬Cr(VI)  炭黑  树状分子  电化学  修饰电极
Electrochemical detection of Cr (VI) based on polyamidoamine and carbon black composite nano materials modified electrode
Liu Pan, Ding Lingling, Peng Yaoshan, Zhu Ningning
College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China
This study described a simple and rapid method for the electrochemical determination of Cr (VI) by using polyamidoamine and carbon black composite nano materials modified glassy carbon electrode (GCE) (written as PAMAM/CB/GCE).PAMAM/CB/GCE was characterized by XPS,CV,EIS,and SWSV.It was found that many other ions such as Ni2+,Co2+,Pb2+,Cu2+,CdNO3-,SO42-,and Cl- had no influence on Cr (VI) determination.Under the optimal conditions,the reduction current of Cr (VI) increased linearly with increased mole concentration of Cr (VI) in the range of 4~60 nmol/L and 0.06~500 μmol/L.The detection limit was 1 nmol/L (based on S/N = 3).The present method has some advantages such as simplicity,rapidness,good selectivity,wide linear range,and high sensitivity.
Key words:  Cr (VI)  carbon black  polyamidoamine  electrochemical  modified electrode