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张鑫, 陈超, 韩定定
随着在线社交网络的高速发展和影响力日渐扩大, 研究其演化发展规律已经成为非常重要的课题.通过抓取新浪微博的数据, 将用户划分为意见领袖和普通用户, 并建立了一个定量的两层演化模型. 在此基础上, 分析了意见领袖和普通用户之间社交影响力的差异, 研究了网络内部病毒传播机制和外部媒体因素对在线社交网络演化过程的影响, 并利用抓取的实际数据验证了模型的准确性. 研究结果对进一步探寻在线社交网络结构、社会价值观对在线信息传播的影响均有积极意义.
关键词:  新浪微博  双层演化模型  信息传播
An evolution model of online social networks based on “Sina micro-blog”
ZHANG Xin, CHEN Chao, HAN Dingding
Shanghai Key Laboratory of Multi-dimensional Information Processing, School of Information Science Technology, East China Normal University
The impact of online social networks and the necessity to sustain their rapid growth emphasize the importance to unravel the laws governing their evolution. With online data crawled from “Sina micro-blog”, we divide the entire users into opinion leaders and ordinary microbloggers without verification. This allows us to illustrate a quantitative two-layer model to reproduce the evolution of the online social networks from the birth of it, which is a visual framework for micro-blog users ′ behaviors. The empirical study of the model shows that the different influence between ordinary users and opinion leaders and the viral spreading mechanism and mass media influence govern the evolution of online social networks. At the end we verify the accuracy of our model with real “Sina micro-blog”dataset. Furthermore, considering the complexity of microbloggers, we can develop the information dissemination to show the mutual impact of various social values.
Key words:  Sina micro-blog  two-layer model  information dissemination