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虞龙杰, 尹学锋
WCDMA是一个成熟的3G网络,其下行链路中的公共导频信道为信道脉冲响应的估计提供了一个有效的方法.使用USRP采集中国联通基站发射的WCDMA信号并进行处理,处理流程可概括为:先对接收信号进行滤波和降采样预处理,接着提出WCDMA小区搜索的快速算法并完成,然后检测USRP晶振的频偏,最后补偿频偏并估计信道的脉冲响应.上述整个过程先用MATLAB进行算法描述,再用FPGA仿真.在仿真过程中,多处引入流水线技术,并综合运用知识产权核复用技术,在32 MHz时钟频率下,FPGA的仿真时间为80861 ms.仿真结果表明,FPGA能够用较少的硬件资源快速准确地估计信道脉冲响应.
关键词:  信道脉冲响应  宽带码分多址  现场可编程门阵列
Estimation of channel impulse response and FPGA simulation
YU Longjie, YIN Xuefeng
School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Tongji University
Wideband code division multiple access (WCDMA) is a 3G wireless communication network.The common pilot channel in downlink of WCDMA provides an effective method to estimate the channel impulse response.In this paper,universal software radio peripheral (USRP) is utilized to sample and process WCDMA signal which is emitted by China Unicom base station.Firstly,the received signal is pre-processed with filtering and down-sampling.Secondly,fast algorithm of WCDMA cell search is fulfilled.Thirdly,frequency shift caused by USRP′s crystal oscillator is checked and compensated.Eventually,channel impulse response is estimated.In this paper,MATLAB is used to describe the above algorithm and field programmable gate array (FPGA) is used to simulate algorithm.In the process of simulation,pipeline and IP core multiplexing are introduced.In the case of 32 MHz clock frequency,FPGA simulation time is 80.861 ms.Simulation results show that FPGA is able to estimate the channel impulse response quickly and accurately with less hardware resources.
Key words:  channel impulse response  WCDMA  FPGA