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关键词:  昆虫群落  多样性  相似性  排序分析  演替  九段沙湿地
Insect diversity and its influencing factors in Jiuduansha wetland national nature reserve,Shanghai
CHEN Xiuzhi
Shanghai Jiuduansha Wetland National Nature Reserve Administration
Investigations were made on insect diversity on order and family levels in five dominant plant communities on four shoals and different gradient tidal creeks in Jiuduansha Nature Reserve.A total of 35444 specimens were collected,belonging to 64 families and 13 orders.According to species number,the dominant families ranked as Chloropidae (42),Eulophidae (29),Pteromalidae (24),Braconidae (22),Ichneumonidae (15),Scelionidae (12),and the dominant orders as Hymenoptera (137),Diptera (85),Coleoptera (32),Hemiptera (10).Our analyses showed:(1) The insect species richness in summer was higher than those in other three seasons;(2) In Phragmites australis community on low tidal flat in summer,the species richness of insects was the highest,that on high tidal flat ranked the second,then that on middle tidal flat.On the low tidal flat,the individual number of Blissidae,Chloropidae,Coccinellidae and Anthicidae was much higher than those on the middle and high tidal flats.The individual number of Blissidae and Delphacidae increased from Lower to High tidal flat.Compared with that on the low tidal flat,the insect composition on the middle tidal flat was closer to that on the high tidal flat.(3) The family and individual numbers of insects in Spartina alterniflora community were higher than those in Phragmite australis community on Middle shoal in summer.Psocoptera and Chloropidae were two dominant families in Spartina alterniflora community,their individuals accounting for 86.83% of the total.While in Phragmite australis community,Chloropidae,Anthicidae and Coccinellidae were three dominant families,their individuals accounting for 79% of the total.In the Scirpus mariqueter-S.triqueter community on Jiangyanansha,the dominant insect families were Phlaeothripidae,Cicadellidae,Chloropidae,Chironomidae and Braconidae,their individual accounting for 96.82% of the total,those in Zizania latifolia community only accounting for 31.52% of the total.(4) The shannon-weiner biodiversity index of the insects in mesophytic communities was highest,following those in Phragmite australis community and Spartina alterniflora community,and lowest in Zizania latifolia community,the highest species richness was seen in Phragmite australis community,following those in Spartina alterniflora community and mesophytic communities,lowest in Zizania latifolia community;(5) According to PC-ORD analysis,the family similarity of the insects in the five plant communities revealed the gradual changes from Zizania latiflora community and S.mariqueter-S.triqueter community,to Spartina alterniflora community and Phragmite australis community,to mesophytic communities.
Key words:  insect community  biodiversity  similarity  PC-ORD  succession  Jiuduansha wetland