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杜 艳, 赵 军
以西红花(Crocus sativus L.)球茎中分离得到的内生真菌Q31作为实验材料,对其产类胡萝卜素发酵条件进行了研究.对3种碳源进行优化,发现蔗糖能促进菌体的生长和类胡萝卜素产量的积累,实验组比对照组菌丝体量增加了50.83%,类胡萝卜素产量是对照组的23.15倍.对3种氮源进行了考察,发现加硫酸铵时,菌丝体比对照组增加了86.43%,类胡萝卜素产量是对照组的5.91倍.通过正交试验,得到发酵最佳条件为:蔗糖40 g/L,硫酸铵1.0 g/L,装瓶量为100 mL/250 mL,接种量为5%.Q31菌株优化发酵,得到分子量为738,最大吸收峰为414.4和438.3 nm的稳定的类胡萝卜素代谢产物.
关键词:  西红花  内生真菌  发酵优化
Fermentation conditions optimization of secondary metabolites of crocus sativus L in endophytic fungi
DU Yan, ZHAO Jun
College of Life and Environment Sciences,Shanghai Normal University
In this paper,Endophytic fungi,isolated from corm of saffron,were selected.Strains Q31 fermentation conditions on production of carotenoids were studied.Three kinds of carbon sources were selected.Study found that sucrose could promote cell growth and carotenoid accumulation,and amount of mycelium had an increase of 50.83% in the experimental group than the control group.Carotenoid yield was 23.15 times of the control group.Select three kinds of nitrogen and cross combinations between them,found that add ammonium sulfate,Mycelium of experimental group had an increased of 86.43% than the control group and carotenoid yield was 5.91 times of the control group.the optimal conditions was found by orthogonal test:sucrose 40 g/L,ammonium sulfate 1.0 g/L,bottling amout 100 mL/250 mL,Inoculum size 5%.By using LC-MS to analyze secondary metabolites of endophytic fungi Q31 from saffron,we found it could steady metabolize one kind of carotinoid,its peak time was 22.447min,maximum absorption peaks were 414.4 and 438.3nm,MW was 738.
Key words:  Crocus sativus L  endophytic fungi  fermentation optimization