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廖万1, 张倩1, 高莹1, 王斌1, 严涛2
1.上海师范大学 信息与机电工程学院, 上海 201418;2.莆田学院 机电与信息工程学院, 福建 莆田 351100
关键词:  光场深度估计  重参数化  卷积注意力模块(CBAM)  遮挡
Anti-occlusion light field depth estimation network based on structural re-parameterization
LIAO Wan1, ZHANG Qian1, GAO Ying1, WANG Bin1, YAN Tao2
1.College of Information, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 201418, China;2.School of Mechanical, Electrical and Information Engineering, Putian University, Putian 351100, Fujian, China
A diverse branch residual block (Res-DBLB) which could be re-parameterized was designed to accelerate the network operation speed notably. Meanwhile a RepConv and convolutional block attention module (CBAM) were introduced to optimize the network performance. This was done to address the issue that the optical field depth estimation network structure bringed about long operation time by connecting a large number of multi-branch residual blocks in series to improve the network performance. The depth map was employed to produce occlusion masks and calculate the occlusion-aware cost constructor to eliminate the negative effects of occlusion in complex occlusion situations. The experimental results demonstrated that the method performed more robustly in complicated occlusion settings and had lower mean square error, less bad pixel, and faster inference compared to the conventional method.
Key words:  light field depth estimation  re-parameterization  convolutional block attention module (CBAM)  occlusion