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张芳1, 张倩1, 廖万1, 刘发国1, 王斌1, 严涛2
1.上海师范大学 信息与机电工程学院, 上海 201418;2.莆田学院 机电与信息工程学院, 福建 莆田 351100
关键词:  光场(LF)图像  超分辨率(SR)  解耦机制  注意力机制
Research on super-resolution reconstruction of light field images based on spatial angle information decoupling
ZHANG Fang1, ZHANG Qian1, LIAO Wan1, LIU Faguo1, WANG Bin1, YAN Tao2
1.College of Information, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 201418, China;2.School of Mechanical, Electrical and Information Engineering, Putian University, Putian 351100, Fujian, China
Light field (LF) information had high-dimensional characteristics. The spatial information required in the reconstruction task was highly coupled with the angular information in the macro pixel map. To fully utilize the spatial angular information to improve the quality of super-resolution (SR) reconstruction, an improved LF image angular SR reconstruction network based on the LF spatial angular decoupling mechanism was proposed. Considering the influence of different features in the image on the reconstruction quality, the degree of influence from different features is modified by different channel assignment mechanisms to improve the reconstruction accuracy, and the attention mechanism was introduced to obtain richer spatial angle information while stacking feature extraction layers. The results of the experiments on the test scenes showed that the reconstruction network proposed in this paper had a better reconstruction effect on both synthetic and real scenes. The peak signal to noise ratio/structural similarity (PSNR/SIM) values were 34.62/0.964 and 42.68/0.972 on the two synthetic scene data sets, and the average PSNR/SIM values on the real scene were 39.67/0.990.
Key words:  light field(LF) image  super-resolution(SR)  decoupling mechanism  attention mechanism