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刘吉1,2, 赵敏华1,2, 葛晨辉1,2, 王全华1,2, 王小丽1,2
1.上海师范大学 生命科学学院, 上海 200234;2.上海师范大学 植物种质资源开发协同创新中心, 上海 200234
关键词:  菠菜  生菜  栽培方式  品种  抗氧化能力
Effects of cultivation methods on the contents and activities of the main antioxidants in spinach and lettuce
LIU Ji1,2, ZHAO Minhua1,2, GE Chenhui1,2, WANG Quanhua1,2, WANG Xiaoli1,2
1.College of Life Sciences, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234. China;2.Development Center of Plant Germplasm Resources, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China
To compare the difference of three cultivation methods (soil culture, substrate culture, and hydroponic culture) on the contents and activities of main antioxidants in spinach and lettuce, five antioxidant indexes, namely, ascorbic acid (VC), anthocyanin, total flavonoids, total polyphenol content, and total antioxidant capacity, were analyzed in five varieties of each vegetable. The results showed that different cultivation methods had significant effects on the spinach VC contents. The VC content was the highest in spinach cultivated in hydroponics, then in substrate culture, and the lowest in soil culture. In contrast, cultivation methods had little, if any, effect on spinach anthocyanin content or lettuce VC content. In addition, cultivation methods and varieties jointly affected the total content of flavonoids, phenol, total antioxidant capacity, and fresh weight of both spinach and lettuce, as well as lettuce anthocyanin content. Among them, the total antioxidant capacity of 3 spinach cultivars grown in substrate culture was much greater than that of those grown in soil culture and hydroponics; 4 spinach varieties grown in soil culture had the greatest shoot fresh weight and 3 lettuce cultivars grown in hydroponics had the highest shoot fresh weight compared with other cultivation methods. Collectively, we propose that cultivation methods could affect the yield and quality of spinach and lettuce to some extent, and the cultivation methods may have a greater impact on spinach.
Key words:  spinach  lettuce  cultivation method  cultivated varieties  antioxidant