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纪宇, 陆瑶, 贾能勤
上海师范大学 化学与材料科学学院, 上海 200234
关键词:  聚集诱导发光(AIE)  电化学发光(ECL)  牛血清蛋白(BSA)  三苯胺醛-丙二腈(MT)
Study on the electrochemiluminescence effect of triphenylamine aldehyde-malonitrile complex based on the principle of aggregation-induced luminescence
JI Yu, LU Yao, JIA Nengqin
College of Chemistry and Materials Science, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China
The electrochemiluminescence(ECL) of triphenylaldehyde-malononitrile(MT) complex was studied based on the principle of aggregation-induced emission(AIE). In this study, MT complex was successfully synthesized and its fluorescence enhancement effect in water/dimethyl sulfoxide (H2O/DMSO) system and bovine serum protein(BSA) system was studied. When MT is dissolved in H2O/DMSO with different ratios, the aggregation effect in the system is different. With the increase of water content, the fluorescence effect is gradually enhanced, resulting in gradually enhancing ECL intensity. Also, because BSA itself has hydrophobic and hydrophilic groups, when BSA is mixed with organic matters, the hydrophobic part will wrap the complex together and limit the vibration and rotation of groups in its molecules. Through aggregation induction of BSA system, a very obvious fluorescence enhancement effect and ECL enhancement effect can be observed. Therefore, the combination of the aggregation induced effect and ECL provides a new idea for the study of ECL probes.
Key words:  aggregation-induced emission(AIE)  electrochemiluminescence(ECL)  bovine serum protein(BSA)  triphenylaldehyde-malononitrile(MT)