摘要: |
近年来,生物炭材料作为无机非金属催化剂的应用得到了广泛关注.以瓜子壳为原料,于800℃和惰性气氛下,热解制备瓜子壳生物炭(MSAC).利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、孔隙度和比表面分析仪、拉曼光谱对MSAC的理化性质进行了表征.考察了MSAC对有机染料罗丹明B(RhB)、孔雀绿(MGO)、甲基橙(MO)、结晶紫(CV)的吸附性能,以及其活化过一硫酸盐(PMS)氧化降解有机染料的催化降解效果.结果表明:MSAC对有机染料的吸附去除率远低于其活化PMS对有机染料的去除率,说明在氧化体系中降解作用对有机染料的去除起主要贡献.与商用的生物炭相比,MSAC对有机染料的吸附性能不佳,但是其表面缺陷度较高,能够有效活化PMS降解有机污染物. |
关键词: 瓜子壳生物炭(MSAC) 吸附 氧化降解 有机染料 |
DOI:10.3969/J.ISSN.1000-5137.2021.04.011 |
分类号:O643.32 |
基金项目:“111”光化学和能源材料创新与人才计划(D18020);绿色能源化工上海工程研究中心项目(18DZ2254200);国家自然科学基金面上项目(21676291);大学生创新创业训练计划项目(202110270006) |
The preparation of biochar based on melon seed shell for activation of peroxymonosulfate to degrade organic dyestuff |
WANG Jianing, CAO Yue, KONG Linghui, GE Fei, WU Qinwei, GUO Xiaojing, LANG Wanzhong
College of Chemistry and Materials Science, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China
Abstract: |
In recent years, the application of biochar materials as metal-free catalysts has attracted widespread attention. In this paper, the biochar based on melon seed shell was prepared by the pyrolysis under inert atmosphere at 800℃ melon seed shell activated catalysts(MSAC). The physicochemical properties of MSAC were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), low temperature N2 adsorption/desorption isotherm, and Raman spectroscopy. The adsorption capacity and peroxymonosulfate(PMS) activation ability of MSAC for the removal of rhodamine(RhB), malachite green(MGO), methyl orange(MO), and crystal violet(CV) were investigated. The removal result in the MSAC/PMS system far exceeded the adsorption capacity of MSAC in the absence of PMS, suggesting that the organic dyestuff was largely removed as a result of degradation in the MSAC/PMS system. Compared with commercial biochar, MSAC showed a lower adsorption capacity. While, the defect degree of MSAC is high, and it can effectively activate PMS to degrade organic dyestuff. |
Key words: melon seed shell activated catalys(MSAC) adsorption oxidative degradation organic dyestuff |