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沈慧中1, 张倩1, 王斌1, 孙艺晋1, 吴玉静2, 王晓慧3
1.上海师范大学 信息与机电工程学院, 上海 201418;2.复旦大学附属中学, 上海 200433;3.上海市教育考试院, 上海 200433
关键词:  深度图  空洞填补  加权模式滤波器(WMF)  异步元胞自动机(ACA)
A depth image restoration algorithm based on WMF-ACA
SHEN Huizhong1, ZHANG Qian1, WANG Bin1, SUN Yijin1, WU Yujing2, WANG Xiaohui3
1.College of Information, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 201418, China;2.High School Affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China;3.Shanghai Municipal Educational Examinations Authority, Shanghai 200433, China
To solve the problem of holes and noise in the depth image due to the limitation of RGBD camera hardware, a color imageguided method for filling holes in depth image was proposed. Firstly, for the boundary area of the depth image, a weighted mode filter (WMF)based on local histogram was used for processing which effectively preserved the boundary and details and eliminated noise of the depth image. Secondly, an asynchronous cellular automaton(ACA) model algorithm was adopted for the non-boundary area of the depth image. The depth map holes were filled by using the neighborhood and iteration rules and the mission was completed fleetly and accurately. Finally, the performance of the proposed algorithm was tested on Middlebury. Experimental results showed that the proposed algorithm in this paper could accurately fill the holes in the depth map with a clear boundary.
Key words:  depth image  hole filling  weighted mode filter (WMF)  asynchronous cellular automaton(ACA)