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王筱涵, 彭博兴, 郭慧楠, 赵欣悦, 马燕
上海师范大学 信息与机电工程学院, 上海 200234
关键词:  最小生成树  凹形  区域生长  血管分割  图像分割
Research on blood vessel section video segmentation based on tree centroid
WANG Xiaohan, PENG Boxing, GUO Huinan, ZHAO Xinyue, MA Yan
College of Information, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China
The position of the seed could be outside of blood vessel due to the concave shape of the blood vessel section, which lead to wrong segmentation result. To solve the aboveissue, a seed selection algorithm based on minimum spanning tree was proposed in this paper. Firstly, random points wereselected from the segmentation results of previous framewhich were uniformly distributed in the entire segmentation region. Secondly, Kruskal algorithm was used to construct the minimum spanning tree for all random points, and the tree centroid was taken as the seed of the current frame. Finally, the current frame was segmented with region growing algorithm. The experimental results showed that by this algorithm the center point of the cross-section of blood vesselscould be accurately located and the accuracy of vessel segmentation could be ensured.
Key words:  minimum spanning tree  concave shape  region growing  blood vessel segmentation  image segmentation