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张英侠, 张鑫, 王萌, 张涛, 李建粤
上海师范大学 生命与环境科学学院 植物种质资源开发中心, 上海 200234
为了探明最适巨胚水稻种子发芽和出苗的条件,以"上师大5号"巨胚水稻种子为试验材料,采用5种不同浸种方式和浸种时3种不同水分条件共15个处理,对"上师大5号"巨胚水稻种子的发芽率和出苗率进行了研究.结果显示,48 h浸种每12 h换水的浸种方式,且种子与水的质量浓度比例为1:4.5时,巨胚稻种子发芽率最高,达到96.17%,明显超过持续浸种但期间不换水以及浸种过程中有晾种的间歇浸种方式;巨胚稻种子发芽率与出苗率之间存在极显著正相关关系(P<0.01).持续浸种且每12 h换水,既能满足巨胚稻种子浸种过程中对较大水量的需求,也能很好地避免无氧呼吸引起的酒精中毒,因而提高了巨胚水稻种子的发芽率.
关键词:  巨胚水稻  种子  浸种  发芽率  出苗率
Research on optimal germination and emergence conditions forgiant embryo riceseeds
Zhang Yingxia, Zhang Xin, Wang Meng, Zhang Tao, Li Jianyue
Development Center of Plant Germplasm Resources, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China
In order to find the optimal germination and emergence conditions of giant embryo rice seed,‘Shangshida No.5’ giant embryo rice seeds were used as theexperiment material,and their optimal germination and emergencerates were investigated.In this study five kinds of soaking methods and three water proportions on ‘Shangshida No.5’ rice seed were designed.The results showed that average germination rate of the seeds soaked for 48 hours with water changing per 12 hours and 1:4.5 water proportions(seed:water,weight)was the highest one,reached to 96.17%,and was higher than obviouslycontinuous soaking without water changing and intermittent soaking;And there was highly significant positive correlation between optimal germination rate and emergencerate of giant embryo rice seed(P<0.01).The operating mode of continuous soaking for 48 hours with water changing per 12 hours might meet not only giant embryo rice seeds to larger water requirements in the soaking seed,and could well avoid alcohol poisoning caused by anaerobic respiration of the seeds,thus improving the giant embryo rice seeds germination rate.
Key words:  giant embryo rice  seed  soaking seed  germination rate  emergence rate