流动的抄本:明清嘉善《唐氏族谱》的 编纂、流传与文本生产
Mobile Manuscripts: The Compilation, Dissemination, and Textual Production of Tang Family Genealogy
中文关键词:  唐氏族谱;抄本;嫁接型族谱;宗族;江南史
英文关键词:Tang Family Genealogy; manuscript; grafted genealogy; clan studies; regional social history; history of Jiangnan
黄敬斌 复旦大学 
摘要点击次数: 18
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      上海图书馆藏《唐氏族谱》抄本两种,最早抄成于乾隆初期,此后历经一个多世纪的修订、增补和重抄、 抽换,文献形态复杂凌乱。该族谱的文本层次则更为丰富,其祖源叙事和早期世系可能形成于宋代至明代前 期。晚明以来,该族谱以抄本的形态在松江、嘉善一带的多支唐姓人群之间流传、增订、嫁接,在乾隆抄本形成 之后仍有新的支系添加进来。因此,这一族谱的生产模式并非人们熟知的在“宗族组织”主持下编纂、续修的 模式,族谱背后的唐姓人群也并未形成哪怕是松散的“宗族”。这一类族谱或可命名为“嫁接型族谱”,值得在 将来的学术研究中进一步关注和探讨。
      The two manuscripts of Tang Family Genealogy in Shanghai Library were first copied in the early Qianlong period, and then revised, supplemented, re-copied and replaced for more than a century, with complex and disorderly literature form. The textual layers of this genealogy were even richer, with its ancestral narratives and early lineages likely formed from the Song to the early Ming dynasties. Since the late Ming dynasty, this genealogy had been circulated, revised, and grafted among multiple Tang surname groups in the Songjiang and Jiashan areas in the form of manuscripts. Even after the Qianlong manuscript was formed, new branches continued to be added. Therefore, the production model of this genealogy was not the familiar one where it was compiled and continued under the auspices of a “clan organization”, and the Tang surname groups behind the genealogy did not even form a loosely organized “clan”. This type of genealogy can be named as a “grafted genealogy” and deserves further attention and discussion in future academic research.
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