Interpretation of Literary Genre Entries in Dictionaries
中文关键词:  现代汉语词典;文学体裁;词条;释义
英文关键词:Modern Chinese Dictionary, literary genre, entry, interpretation
陈军 扬州大学 
摘要点击次数: 794
全文下载次数: 459
      The literary genre entries in seven editions of Modern Chinese Dictionary occasionally underwent revisions, and the total number was stable. The entries “style” and “genre” have the shortcomings of being too narrow in term of its meaning interpretation. The three words “的矛盾 (of contradiction)” in the entry of “novel” were deleted and the revision was conducive to broaden the content breadth of the novel. Since the sixth edition, Modern Chinese Dictionary had added the entry of “micro-novel”, however, the “micro-novel” should be categorized into the entry of “novel” so that their logic relationship is extended. The entry of “prose poetry” was deleted in the third and fourth edition, and was included again from the fifth edition. The interpretation of the entry of “prose” has not been changed, and its interpretation of the beauty of prose needs revision. The interpretation of entries of “comedy” and “drama” should be extended from the literary genre to the aesthetic category. The attribute definition of “tragic ending” and “exaggeration” in the interpretation of entries of “tragedy”, “comedy” and “drama” needs to be discussed and revised.
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