Some Remarks on the Relationship between Husserl’s Notions of “Intentionality” and Artificial Intelligence
中文关键词:  意向性;悬搁;信念盒;推论主义;人工智能;意向相关项
英文关键词:intentionality, epoch, belief box, inferentialism, artificial intelligence, noema
徐英瑾 复旦大学 
摘要点击次数: 949
全文下载次数: 739
      The relevance of Edmund Husserl’s notion of “intentionality” to artificial intelligence (AI) has long been underestimated. As a matter of fact, although the phenomenological methodology of “epoché” appears to be undermining any attempt to do cognitive modelling, it can still offer inspirations for AI in a deeper sense. To be more specific, the “omnipresence” of psychological modes in pure consciousness as the residue of “epoché”, if appropriately reinterpreted, can provide principles an AI oriented systematic reconstruction of psychological modes, which could facilitate an AI system to revise its beliefs in a flexible manner. Moreover, Husserl’s notion of “Noema”, if reinterpreted in accordance with Brandom’s inferentialism, can be regarded as a competing theory with Jerry Fodor’s “Language of Thought Hypothesis”, which embraces a theory of psychological modes, according to which there are different “boxes”, each of which specifies a certain psychological mode. Husserl’s notion of “Noema”, by contrast, can explain belief revisions without presupposing the existence of these “boxes”. However, the mainstream AI approaches simply ignore Husserl’s insights of intentionality. For example, the connectionist/deep learning approach cannot handle intentionality on the symbolic level, and the symbolic AI approach cannot resist the temptation of presupposing Fodorrian “belief boxes” in an inflexible manner, whereas the enactivist approach overemphasizes the importance of the interplays between artificial agents and their environments by modelling both in a way not from a certain phenomenological perspective. Therefore, it is not unfair to conclude that the algorithmic realization of Husserlian intentionality has to be “suspending” most mainstream AI approaches.
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