On the Innovation Essence of Educational Labor
中文关键词:  教育劳动;创新本质;创造性劳动
英文关键词:educational labor, the essence of innovation, creative labor
刘东菊 天津职业技术师范大学 
吴荣 上海师范大学 
摘要点击次数: 1150
全文下载次数: 708
      Educational labor is a unique form of labor which is combined by a specific social group under certain historical conditions. Educators are the main body of educational labor, and the educated are the object educational labor. The two sides are dialectically unified in the process of educational labor. In educational labor, people are the only object, which determines that the content, mode and purpose of educational labor must be in line with the essential provisions of human beings. The realization process of human nature is the process of human creative realization, so in this sense, educational labor is essentially the creative labor to realize the all-round development of mankind, and creativity is the fundamental requirement of educational labor.
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