Resource Value of Confucianism in Construction of Community of Common Destiny
中文关键词:  儒学;创造性转化;人类命运共同体
英文关键词:Confucianism, creative transformation, community of human destin
邵龙宝 上海杉达学院 
摘要点击次数: 1159
全文下载次数: 901
      After being creatively transformed, the wisdom in Confucianism, “the five cardinal Confucian virtues (justice, politeness, wisdom, fidelity and benevolence)”, “harmonious dialectics”, “Tao follows nature” and “harmony between human and nature”, will provide resource value for the construction of the community of common destiny. “The five cardinal Confucian virtues” can provide resource value for the third enlightenment of man in the process of constructing the community of common destiny. The wisdom of China’s international politics and relations deeply lies in the traditional Chinese thinking mode-“harmonious dialectics”. The “harmony” in “harmonious dialectics” cannot be obtained by the adjustment of an independent individual (state or nationality), but by a focus of individual (state or nationality) in a social group, namely, the field of international relations. “Harmonious dialectics” shows its value in thinking method and thinking function in the maintenance of world peace as well as the construction of the community of common destiny. The Confucian outlooks on the universe are “Tao follows nature” and “harmony between human and nature”, which can provide the value of ecological wisdom for the construction of a community of human destiny. Today, Chinese wisdom of dealing with international relations is the combination of Marxism dialectical materialism and the Chinese traditional “harmonious dialectics”.
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