On the “Time” Presumption Rule of Joint Debt of Husband and Wife
中文关键词:  夫妻共同债务;“时间”推定规则;表见代理;日常家事代理;人身规则
英文关键词:joint debt of husband and wife, “time” presumption rule, agency by estoppel, agency of family affairs, personal rule
李霞 华东政法大学 
曹相见 山东农业大学 
摘要点击次数: 1067
全文下载次数: 1198
      The justice effects of “time” presumption rule in Article 24 of the Supreme People’s Court Interpretation of Some Issues (II) on Application of Marriage Law of the PRC are not uniform. Some courts apply the rule directly, which result in injustice to the party who had not borrowed money, and some refuse to apply it indirectly and turn to other rule. Sometimes, the court decisions from the court of first instance and second instance are opposite. In the normative meaning, the “time” presumption is one of the rules that can determine joint debt of husband and wife, and it should differ from the extent of agency by estoppel. Because of the particularity of personal rule, the “time” presumption rule presumes the debt of husband and wife is joint debt in principle, but excludes the premarital debt which are personal, the debt exclusively personal to one and the debt resulted from gratuitous act. The burden of proof for the party who hasn’t borrowed money should be exempted if the creditor is malicious.
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