论苏联法学理论对新中国民法学的影响 |
Influence of Soviet Union’s Legal Theory on New China’s Civil Law |
投稿时间:2015-04-29 |
中文关键词: 苏联法学理论;新中国民法学;民法观;民法制度理论;民法学本体 |
英文关键词:Soviet Union’s legal theory, New China’s civil law, view of civil law, theory of civil law system |
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摘要点击次数: 1393 |
全文下载次数: 1348 |
中文摘要: |
新中国民法学是在全盘接受苏联民法学的基础上发展起来的,而苏联民法学则植根于苏联法学理论的沃土,因此新中国民法学的构建归根结底受到苏联法学理论的深刻影响,这种影响从20世纪50年代起持续了三十余年,之后随着经济体制改革的深入和市场经济体制的建立而逐渐式微。在苏联法学理论的影响下,我国民法学确立了以阶级性、公法性和工具性为内容的民法观,并在此基础上构建起民事主体、所有权和债的民法制度理论,形成对民法学性质、任务和方法论等本体问题的基本认识。苏联法学理论给我国民法学带来的影响兼具积极和消极两面,它一方面使我国完成了从传统民法学向社会主义民法学的转型,另一方面使我国民法学难以深入发展。 |
英文摘要: |
New China’s civil law was developed on the basis of overall acceptance of Soviet Union’s civil law. Soviet Union’s civil law originated from Soviet Union’s legal theory, therefore, Soviet Union’s legal theory exerted great influences on New China’s civil law, and the influences had lasted for more than 30 years since 1950s. With the deepening economic system’s reform and establishment of market economy, the influence gradually declined. Under the influence of Soviet Union’s legal theory, China’s civil law characterized by class nature, public law and instrument was established, and civil system theory of civil subject, ownership and debt was established as well. The basic ideas on nature, task and methodology of civil law were formed. The influence of Soviet Union’s legal theory on China’s civil law were positive and negative. On the one hand, China’s civil law was transformed from traditional civil law to socialism civil law, on the other hand, China’s civil law was difficult to have further development. |
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