今天是2025年2月13日 星期四
The Global Financial Crisis and its Impact on Employment Ralations: An Internationally Comparative Approach
中文关键词:  全球化;亚洲市场经济;雇佣关系;国际比较分析法
英文关键词:globalisation, Asian market economies, employment relations, an internationally comparative approach
拉塞尔·兰斯伯里 澳大利亚悉尼大学 
尼克·韦尔斯 澳大利亚悉尼大学 
格雷格·班伯 澳大利亚莫纳什大学 
摘要点击次数: 2789
全文下载次数: 3670
      This paper examines the implications of globalisation and the recent global financial crisis (GFC) for employment relations around the world. It argues that an internationally comparative approach is required to understand the dynamics of employment relations which increasingly extend beyond the boundaries of a single country. The varieties of capitalism (VoC) approach distinguishes between liberal and market economies. It highlights the different institutional arrangements which influence and shape how different market economies function, particularly with the expansion of globalisation, and the implications for employment relations. However, Asian market economies (among others) do not easily fit the VoC categories. Furthermore, the increasing importance of multi-national corporations and other international agencies need to be accorded greater recognition in the international dimensions of employment relations in the global economy.
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