Official Careers for Commoners and the Change of China’s Absolute Monarchy
中文关键词:  布衣入仕制度;君主专制政体;官僚组织;封建制
英文关键词:the system that allows commoners to enter official careers, absolute monarchy, bureaucracy, feudalism
李默海 山东工商学院 
摘要点击次数: 908
全文下载次数: 1076
      The establishment and development of China’s absolute monarchy is closely related to the system that allows commoners to enter official careers, and the correlation is mainly reflected in the bureaucracy. As an elite system of recruiting, the system that allows commoners to enter official careers is an important component of the bureaucracy and provides staff support for the bureaucracy to ensure “metabolism” of bureaucracy. Bureaucracy basically affects monarchy from two aspects: first, the political forces of monarchical nobility counterbalance division of monarchical power so as to realize centralized autocratic monarchy; secondly, through the establishment of “scholars’ government” and the implementation of the policy for cultural and educational achievements so as to guarantee the long term rule. These two aspects are inseparable from the system that allows commoners to enter official careers. In the development process of Chinese monarchy, the system can also degenerate and lead to aristocratic bureaucrats, which in turn would bring about turbulence and turmoil in monarchy.
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