Media Assistance, NGO and U. S. International Discourse Power——A Survey of the Media Assistance of the American Private Foundations
中文关键词:  美国;媒体援助;国际话语权;私人基金会
英文关键词:the United States, media assistance, international discourse power, private foundation
霍淑红 山西大学 
张惠玲 上海工程技术大学 
摘要点击次数: 1133
全文下载次数: 1073
      All power states attach importance to the international discourse power in international relations. The United States is a winner of international discourse power. Both the United States and private foundations play a very important role in establishing international discourse power. American private foundations rely on media assistance as a discourse carrier to influence the objects of discourse. The high-quality content and the diversification and innovation of aid ways have been accepted by people in the recipient countries. They provide finance for recipient media journalists and independent media, and then the funded independent media become the tools of American values. They keep controlling “development agenda”, and guiding the international community’s agenda. To a certain extent, competence of controlling information of the recipient government is weakened, thus enhancing the discourse hegemony of the United States in the international information and communication order.
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