Characteristic Analysis of Trade Associations to Undertake the Transfer of Government Functions
中文关键词:  行业协会;职能转移; 国家与社会; 行为模式
英文关键词:trade associations, transfer of functions, state and society, behavior patterns
徐家良 上海交通大学 
薛美琴 上海交通大学 
摘要点击次数: 1130
全文下载次数: 1243
      It is not only an effective model for government transformation but also a good opportunity for trade associations to enhance their capabilities through the process of trade associations to undertake the transfer of government functions. The process has three key steps: demand, supply and approach. The research object is trade associations to undertake the transfer of government functions in Xinhe Town, Wenling City, Zhejiang Province in recent years. From the perspective of “state and society”, the study presents three different behavior patterns for trade associations to undertake the transfer of government functions, namely, “society-dominating and state-supporting” interactive relationship in trade collective bargaining; “state-dominating and society-supporting” interactive relationship in trade tax negotiation; “society-dominating and state-leading” interactive relationship in establishing joint fire safety office for associations, and there is also a regional space for the progressive transfer actions. The three different behavior patterns enrich the connotations of the relationship between the state and society, indicating trade associations are playing gradually important roles in public governance.
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