Philosophical Narrative of the Integration of Large Models and BrainComputer Interfaces
中文关键词:  大模型;脑机接口;人工智能;以想行事
英文关键词:large model; brain computer-interface; artificial intelligence; realize actions according to one’s intentions
项目:国家社科基金一般项目“人工智能驱动科学发现的认识论研究”(22BZX027);国家社科基金重大项目“负责任的人工智能 及其实践的哲学研究”(21&ZD063)
肖峰 上海大学 
摘要点击次数: 84
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      基于脑机接口与人工智能的内在关联,大模型与脑机接口的融合也具有充分的技术根据和广阔的应 用前景,这种融合目前已经拉开了序幕。两者的融合具有重要的意义,它有望显著提升脑机接口对脑信号的 解码精度和对外部设备的控制效能,为大模型的训练和进化提供丰富、多维、实时动态的数据集,提升大模型 的学习效率和泛化能力,也改变人机交互方式。从哲学上期待两者的融合将建构一种泛在的实现以想行事的 工具,使人类的行为方式发生重要的变革,同时还会带来身份同一性和人机融合的“后人类”等人学新问题。 面对两大前沿技术的新发展,我们需要保持对其带来人文风险的警醒,确保技术进步能够造福全人类。
      Based on the inherent connection between brain-computer interfaces and artificial intelligence, the integration of large models with brain-computer interfaces also has a solid technical foundation and broad application prospects, and this integration has already begun to unfold. The integration of the two is of great significance. Philosophically, it is anticipated that the integration of the two will construct a ubiquitous tool for realizing actions according to one’s intentions, leading to significant changes in human behavior. Additionally, it will introduce new philosophical issues such as the identity of individuals and the “post-human” concept of human-machine integration. In the face of new developments in these two cutting-edge technologies, we need to remain vigilant about the humanistic risks they pose, ensuring that technological progress benefits all of humanity.
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