Principle Ethics in Applied Ethics
中文关键词:  应用伦理学;原则伦理;演绎论;决疑论;道德直觉
英文关键词:applied ethics;principle ethics;deduction;casuistry;moral intuition
甘绍平 中国社会科学院大学 
摘要点击次数: 29
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      在应用伦理学中原则主义展现了如何将伦理应用到具体实践的一条进路。不同于诉诸一种基于某一最高原理并拥有普遍适用性的道德系统的演绎论,也不同于依赖以感知判断为基础的类比性评价的决疑论,原则伦理者寻求处于抽象的道德理论与具体的道德实践之间的所谓中位原则,为人们应对伦理冲突提供价值基准与论证依据的规范性导向框架。如果说不伤害、有利、公正、自主性属于比较经典的伦理原则的话,那么 人权、尊严、隐私、责任则属于新近出现的并得到广泛认可的伦理原则。应用伦理学中的中位原则具有不证自明的品格,其实质根基便是人类的道德直觉。这些原则之间处于协调的融贯关系,其内容在实践中需得到具体化的解释和依情境的灵活权重。
      Principlism in applied ethics demonstrates a path to apply ethics to specific practice. Unlike the deductive theory that relies on a moral system based on a certain highest principle and universal applicability,and the casuistry that relies on ana? logical evaluation based on perceptual judgment,principle ethicists seek the so-called median principle between abstract moral theory and concrete moral practice,as a normative guiding framework that provides value benchmarks and argumentative basis for people to deal with ethical conflicts. If non-harm,benefit,fairness,and autonomy are relatively classic ethical principles,then human rights,dignity,privacy,and responsibility are newly emerging and widely recognized ethical principles. The principle of the median in applied ethics has a self-evident character,and its fundamental basis is human moral intuition. These principles are in a coordinated and coherent relationship,and their content needs to be concretely explained and flexibly weighted according to the context in practice.
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