Husserl’s Critique of Descartes’ Philosophy
中文关键词:  胡塞尔;现象学;笛卡尔哲学;先验动机;客观主义的理性主义
英文关键词:Husserl, phenomenology, Cartesian philosophy, transcendental motive, objectivistic rationalism
李云飞 广东外语外贸大学 
摘要点击次数: 959
全文下载次数: 534
      Husserl’s critique of Cartesian philosophy follows the historical-teleological principle. He considered Descartes’ subjectivity turn from the perspective of phenomenology and elucidated the hidden ambiguity of Cartesian philosophy. Husserl believed that Descartes was both the originator of the modern concept of objective rationalism and the originator of the transcendental motives that broke through this concept, which constituted the inherent tension of Cartesian philosophy. Starting from this internal tension, Husserl’s critique focused on the incompleteness of Cartesian philosophy, aimed at restoring the true nature of his transcendental motives, thereby implementing phenomenological transformation of Cartesian philosophy. In fact, the transcendental phenomenology and the objectivist philosophy are diametrically opposed, and Cartesian objectivistic philosophy has its own internal mechanism. Therefore, this is a misplaced critique. However, with this misplaced critique, Husserl not only deepened his own understanding of philosophy, but also clarified the historical necessity of his transcendental phenomenology.
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