牟宗三批判朱熹心性关系得失之检讨 |
A Study of Mou Zongsan’s Critique of Zhu Xi’s Theory of the Relationship between Heart mind and Intrinsic Nature |
中文关键词: 牟宗三;朱熹;存有与活动;理气关系 |
英文关键词:Mou Zongsan, Zhu Xi, entities and activities, relation between heavenly patterns (li理)and qi (气) |
项目:国家社科基金青年项目“英国上议院司法权研究(1876—2009)”(13CFX017) |
作者 | 单位 | 董学美 | 中国人民大学 | 温海明 | 中国人民大学 |
摘要点击次数: 862 |
全文下载次数: 864 |
中文摘要: |
在关于牟宗三如何诠释朱熹之性的讨论中,大部分研究者都是顺着牟宗三的思路对此问题进行梳理和归纳,很少进一步做出评判或分析,即便有分析评判,也多是集中在宗三“道德形上学”的问题上,或通过“道德形上学”的思路对性做更进一步讨论;另一部分学者,虽然注意到牟宗三对朱熹的批判中有很多理解并不准确,但他们的注意力主要集中在关于“格物致知”的讨论上,这虽然是理解牟宗三批判朱熹的一条重要线索,但还是不够全面。应该注意到,在讨论牟宗三如何理解朱熹之性的问题上,大部分学者只是就性论性,没有充分注意到牟宗三对朱熹之性的批评是以否定其理气论为前提的。文章试图论证,牟宗三对朱熹之性的批判,是以否定朱熹所理解的理气关系为前提的,这在相当程度上造成了牟宗三对朱熹之性及心性关系的误读。牟宗三认为,朱熹之性“只存有不活动”,在朱熹从理论上讨论性与气关系的角度来说是有一定道理的。但是,很多研究者没有充分注意到,如果认真考察朱熹认为的性与气创生共成、心与性共同参与后天之“形”气等说法,则牟宗三对朱熹关于心、气的关系的说法就显得武断和不够全面了。 |
英文摘要: |
In discussions on how Mou Zongsan interprets Zhu Xi’s theory of intrinsic nature (xing 性), most scholars tend to deal with this issue based on the position of Mou himself, and only very few of them make further judgments and analyses. Others note that some of Mou’s criticisms of Zhu Xi are not sufficiently accurate, but their arguments are generally based on discussions concerning “investigating things in order to attain knowledge” (gewu zhizhi格物致知). Although this is an important clue to understand Mou’s comments on Zhu Xi’s theories, the paper claims that it is not sufficiently comprehensive. The paper holds that on the issue of how Mou comprehends Zhu Xi’s view of intrinsic nature (xing 性), most researchers just take the matter on its own merits, and have not paid due attention to whether or not Mou takes Zhu Xi’s theories on heavenly patterns (li 理) and psycho material force (qi气) into full consideration. There are reasonable grounds for Mou’s claim that Zhu Xi interprets intrinsic nature (xing 性) as merely entities without activities, especially from the perspective of Zhu Xi’s theoretical discussion of the relationship between xing 性 and qi 气. The paper argues that if we study Zhu Xi’s theory more comprehensively, we can reasonably conclude that Mou’s viewpoint on the relationship between heart mind (xin 心) and qi (气) was not subtle enough to adequately comprehend Zhu Xi’s theory of the relation between heart mind (xin 心) and nature (xing 性). |
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