On the Evolution of the Form of Pascal’s Wager
中文关键词:  帕斯卡尔赌注;基督教信仰的实用主义辩护;概率期望
英文关键词:history of Pascal’s Wager, pragmatic argument for the rationality of faith, rule of mathematical expectation
王幼军 上海师范大学 
摘要点击次数: 1640
全文下载次数: 1319
      The pragmatic argument for the rationality of a belief has a long tradition in the western history. Some seeds of this thought can be found in Greek philosophers’ works and develop as an important trend in Christian theology. The thought lays emphasis on the rationality of decision-making; however it also questions the power of rationality. In the case of theistic faith in which certainty cannot be achieved, the thought stresses the obedience of rationality and will on the basis of the result of utilities weighing. Such pragmatic thought was widely applied in the Christian apologetics. Pascal’s wager is the most essential among the forms of such argument. Pascal endows this kind of argument with a valid logic structure and introduces a new mathematics by means of traditional apologetics and popular preaching. Thus the pragmatic argument for the rationality of belief has entered a modern period and becomes a subject to be discussed in many fields.
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