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周慧敏1, 郑懿1, 岳阳2, 修光利2,3
1.上海申通地铁集团有限公司技术中心, 上海 201103;2.华东理工大学 资源与环境工程学院, 上海 200237;3.华东理工大学 生态环境部化工过程环境风险评价与控制重点实验室, 上海 200237
城市交通领域碳减排对于实现“双碳”目标具有重要意义.作为交通行业最发达的城市之一,上海市积极构建低碳和零碳绿色交通体系,大力发展推广氢燃料电池汽车(HFCVs)等清洁能源汽车的使用.HFCVs的零碳排放优势对上海市碳减排效益具有巨大的贡献潜力.本研究有效结合“自上而下”和“自下而上”法,基于城市尺度构建了HFCVs的使用对上海市碳减排效益的评价体系.研究表明:HFCVs的使用带来的碳减排效益具有时空变化特征.在时间尺度上碳减排量在早晚客流高峰达到峰值;在空间尺度上,不同行政区域的碳减排量有显著差异.经测算2022年HFCVs的使用可能为上海市带来20 339.86 tCO2的碳减排量,每车每年可实现减碳10.17 tCO2的减排量.考虑氢能产业发展规划,2025年当HFCVs数量可能达到10 000辆,将为上海市带来约129 323.20 tCO2的碳减排量.因此,HFCVs的使用需要在政策上予以大力支持,以有效推动交通领域的碳减排工作.
关键词:  氢燃料电池汽车(HFCVs)  碳减排效益  替代法  交通行业
Assessment of carbon emission reduction benefits of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles: a case study of Shanghai
ZHOU Huimin1, ZHENG Yi1, YUE Yang2, XIU Guangli2,3
1.Technology Center of Shanghai Shentong Metro Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201103, China;2.School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China;3.Key Laboratory of Ministry of Ecology and Environment on Environmental Risk Assessment and Control of Chemical Processes, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China
Carbon reduction in urban transportation is of great significance for achieving the “dual carbon” goals. Shanghai, As one of the most developed metropolis in the transportation industry, Shanghai is actively building a low-carbon and zero-carbon green transportation system and strongly promote the use of clean energy vehicles such as hydrogen fuel cell vehicles(HFCVs). HFCVs has great potential to carbon reduction benefit in Shanghai due to its advantage of zero carbon emission. This study effectively combined “top-down” method with “bottom-up” method to develop a city-scale evaluation system for carbon reduction benefits of HFCVs in Shanghai. The research indicated that the reduction benefits of carbon emission by utilization of HFCVs varied temporally and spatially. The carbon reduction peaks during the morning and evening rush hours. The characteristics of different administrative regions lead to significantly different spatial distribution of carbon reductions. According to calculations, the use of HFCVs in 2022 may bring about a carbon reduction benefit of 20 339.86 tCO2 in Shanghai, with the annual carbon reduction of 10.17 tCO2 per vehicle. Considering the hydrogen energy industry development plan with the HFCVs volume of 10 000 around 2025, the carbon reduction will approximately reach 129 323.20 tCO2. Therefore, the further policies are needed to promote the application of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and effectively enhance carbon reduction in transportation industry.
Key words:  hydrogen fuel cell vehicles(HFCVs)  carbon reduction benefits  substitution method  transportation industry